
Lifepo4 バッテリー VS AGM バッテリー - 11 の包括的な比較

ビュー: 5616
著者: 管理者
公開時間: 2023-02-07

正しいタイプのバッテリーを購入することは、デバイスのパフォーマンスに直接影響するため、重要な決定です。多くのデバイスやアプリケーションでは、lifepo4 および AGM バッテリが一般的な選択肢です。しかし、何が彼らをそれほど魅力的にしているのでしょうか?どのタイプを購入するかを決定する際に考慮すべき要素は何ですか?

In this blog post, we'll explore the pros and cons of lifepo4 and AGM batteries, identifying the key criteria you should keep in mind when choosing either one for your needs.

続きを読んで、 理想的なバッテリー プロジェクトやガジェットに!

The lifepo4 battery cells

Lifepo4 バッテリーとは何ですか?

lifepo4 バッテリー is a lithium-ion technology-based battery. It can be used for a variety of applications, such as in electric vehicles, エネルギー貯蔵システム、家電製品。

This type of battery has many advantages when compared to other lithium-ion chemistries, including low weight, high energy density, and long lifespans.

lifepo4 バッテリー works by passing an electric current through two electrodes located within its cell: a positive (+) cathode and a negative (-) anode. Through the process of charging, positively charged lithium-ions move from negative electrode to the positive electrode while depleting the electrolyte; while discharging the process is reversed producing energy.

AGM Battery


An AGM battery, also known as an Absorbent Glass Mat Battery, is an extremely efficient type of lifepo4 (lithium iron phosphate) battery.




Lifepo4 バッテリー VS AGM バッテリーの 11 項目の比較


サービス life of the battery is mainly determined by the number of cycles. Usually, the cycle number of the Lifepo4 バッテリー is 2000-10000, and the cycle number of the AGM battery is 300-800. According to the average daily charge and discharge cycle, the lifepo4 のバッテリー寿命 AGMバッテリーのほぼ6〜10倍です。

In addition, due to the inherent internal resistance of lifepo4 バッテリー is lower than that of AGM, the battery degradation is less than 1% per year, which also makes lifepo4 batteries much more durable than AGM batteries.

Battery lifespan


The most notable thing about ライフポ4 batteries compared to AGM batteries is their lightweight design. lifepo4 batteries are much lighter than AGM batteries, almost 1/4 times that of AGM, an attractive quality for applications requiring ポータブル電源.

At the same time, this also means that the transportation of lifepo4 バッテリー is more economical, and it is easier to install and can be applied to more fields.

3. 使用温度

The suitable working temperature range of an AGM battery is -35℃~45℃, and the suitable working temperature range of an LFP battery is -20℃~65℃. In general, AGM is more suitable for the low-temperature environment, while Lifepo4 battery needs Only by gradually adjusting the internal temperature can the battery performance (self-heating function) be better activated

しかし lifepo4 is more stable than AGM batteries in high-temperature environments, and the battery is applicable to a wider temperature range.


On average, lifepo4 batteries charge about four times faster than AGM batteries because they can handle the higher amperage from the 充電器.

It's worth mentioning that you have more flexibility when it comes to charging the lifepo4 バッテリー. Because of the memoryless nature of the lifepo4 バッテリー, you can start and stop charging as needed without compromising battery performance or lifespan. This means you don't have to worry about being able to complete long charge cycles. However, when you partially charge AGM batteries, they lose their ability to be fully charged over time.

もちろん、急速な充電速度が必要でない場合でも、AGM で十分に対応できます。

5. 排出深度

放電の深さ (DoD) is the depth to which a battery can be discharged, measured as the energy drawn from the total capacity. An AGM battery typically has a DoD of 50-80%, meaning it can still contain up to 20% of its energy when fully discharged.

Lifepo4 バッテリー have a higher DoD of up to 95%, which means they can reach their capacity deeper and provide more power while still maintaining a good lifespan, so AGM batteries may need to be replaced more often than lifepo4 batteries replace.

6. エネルギー密度

Battery energy density is a measure of the energy that can be stored in a particular battery, and it lets us know how much power each battery can hold. The lifepo4 battery has an energy density of up to 180 Wh/kg, while the AGM battery has an energy density of up to 45 Wh/Kg. Only 1/4 of the Lifepo4 バッテリー.

これは、同じ電力をより多くの AGM バッテリーと一致させる必要があり、より多くのスペースを占めることを意味します。

7. 自己放電率

The self-discharge rate of Lifepo4 バッテリー is about 1%-2% per month. The self-discharge rate of AGM batteries is about 2%-3%. Therefore, the Lifepo4 battery can be stored for a longer time even if it is not in use.

In addition, the lifepo4 バッテリー has no memory effect, and the maximum capacity of the battery will not be lost during long-term storage, while AGM batteries will irreversibly damage the maximum capacity of the battery due to long-term inapplicability.

8. 費用

Lifepo4 batteries typically have a more expensive upfront investment, but Lifepo4 batteries are more efficient and last longer, while AGM batteries tend to be cheaper but don't necessarily offer the same level of quality. If you have a long-term and stable power demand, then Lifepo4 バッテリー will definitely bring the highest cost performance. If you only need occasional power, you can choose a cheaper AGM battery to solve the problem.

9. 安全性

Lifepo4 battery is the safest リチウム battery at present, due to its stable chemical structure, it is not easy to spontaneously ignite, and almost never explodes. Although the AGM battery has 150 years of technical support, it still produces a lot of hydrogen, and it is very easy to cause an explosion if the ventilation is not in place or in a high-temperature environment.

10. 環境保護

From the perspective of manufacturing materials, the positive electrode of lifepo4 バッテリー adopts lithium-ion technology, does not contain toxic chemicals such as cobalt, and has much less adverse impact on the environment than AGM batteries.

And the ライフポ4 battery has a longer service life and does not need to be replaced as frequently as AGM batteries, resulting in a lot of waste of resources. So over time, Lifepo4 batteries have a smaller footprint in the environment than AGM batteries.

Battery maintenance


One of the characteristics of the Lifepo4 battery is メンテナンス-free. In addition to its stable internal structure, it is also equipped with a built-in battery management system (BMS) that can monitor the battery status at any time and effectively prevent battery overcharge, 過放電, short circuit and other problems.

ハーベイパウ lifepo4 サーバー ラック バッテリー 上部に BMS とスマート LED ディスプレイがあり、バッテリーをワンストップで管理し、いつでもバッテリー情報を追跡できます。

AGM バッテリーは使用中にガスが発生するため、通常の使用では充電、放電、換気に十分注意する必要があります。そうしないと、損傷や安全事故の原因となります。



11 comparisons of lifepo4 battery VS AGM battery

To sum up, we can see that Lifepo4 batteries surpass AGM batteries in almost all aspects, which makes lifepo4 a more efficient choice in terms of applications, not only between low-output home solar systems or light applications such as marine and RV applications when selected. On the other hand, with the development of Lifepo4 バッテリー technology, Lifepo4 is now gradually replacing AGM for higher demands, such as vehicles and portable generator-based systems.

So which battery to choose depends on your power budget. AGM batteries are suitable for short-term investment, and Lifepo4 バッテリー are suitable for long-term investment.



ハーベイパウ Lifepo4 メーカーは、専門の技術研究開発チームを擁し、業界トップの CATL セルを採用し、主に家庭用、産業用、商業用のエネルギー貯蔵に使用される最高品質のバッテリー パックの作成に取り組んでいます。 RV アプリケーション。

私たちは常にグリーンバッテリーエネルギーの開発と革新に固執し、世界中でバッテリーのプロモーションと販売を提供し、ODM と OEM サービスをサポートしています。

お気軽にどうぞ お問い合わせ 関連する質問や興味がある場合。




Of course, リン酸鉄リチウム電池 have a longer service life, are extremely safe, require no maintenance, have higher charging efficiency, and better discharge. They may not be the cheapest lithium-ion battery solution, but they are certainly the most cost-effective items.


AGM バッテリーを充電するには特別な充電器が必要ですか?



LiFePO4 バッテリーで AGM 充電器を使用できますか?

AGM chargers can be used to charge Lifepo4 バッテリー as long as the voltage numbers match. To fully charge a 12V LiFePO4バッテリー, a charger with a voltage of 14V to 14.6V is required. Most AGM battery chargers will be in this range and they will be compatible with Canbat リチウム 電池。


AGM バッテリーが腐った卵のようなにおいがするのはなぜですか?

This is usually caused by sulfuric acid leaking from the battery. If the battery is not maintained properly, this smell will continue to emanate. The smell is caused by a chemical reaction between the sulfuric acid in the battery and the hydrogen sulfide gas leaking from the battery.


LiFePO4 バッテリーを充電器に置いたままにできますか?

Unlike lead-acid batteries, リン酸鉄リチウム電池 are not damaged even when they are partially charged, so you don't have to worry about charging them right after use. They also have no memory effect, so you don't have to fully drain them before recharging.



バッテリーの上部、端子、および接続部を布またはブラシと重曹溶液 (1 カップの重曹に 1 ガロンの水) でクリーニングします。バッテリー内部に洗浄液が入らないようにしてください。水ですすぎ、きれいな布で乾かします。


AGM のバッテリーの減りが早いのはなぜですか?

Whether you have a car battery, AGM battery, lead-acid or リチウム電池, poor performance and faster discharge are often caused by similar issues. These include battery aging, overcharging or undercharging, exposure to extreme temperatures or sulfation.





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